Kodo Millet Health Benefits: 12 Easy Ways to Use Kodo Millet in Your Diet Every Day!

Kodo millet is also known as kodra, varagu, arikelu, harka, and kodoa. It is an[...]

14 Outstanding Health Benefits of Lakadong Turmeric

Turmeric has been used in the Indian culture for thousands of years. The culinary experts[...]

Lakadong Turmeric and 4 Easy Ways to Use it as an Immunity Booster

Lakadong Turmeric exerts curative effects on more than 581 diseases. It aids in making our[...]

Weight Loss: 3 Amazing Nutrients That Help

Lasting, healthy weight loss is a concern for many. The trick here is to not[...]

5 reasons why nutrition for Immunity is important

Have you ever wondered why doesn’t everyone in the house catch an infection at the[...]

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Sesame (Kala Til)

Archaeological remnants suggest Sesame was first domesticated in the Indian Subcontinent 5500 years ago. Sesame[...]

Bansi Wheat – 5 Benefits and Nutritional Value

Bansi wheat is grown commercially in the Indian subcontinent since historic times. It is known[...]

12 Super Benefits of Turmeric: The Golden Spice

The use of turmeric dates back to nearly 4000 yrs to the Vedic culture in[...]

3 Amazing Benefits of Millet

Millet are a traditional staple food of the dry land regions of the world. They[...]

7 Amazing Benefits of Emmer Wheat (Khapli)

Emmer Khapali wheat is found in Middle Eastern sites from 9500B.C. Emmer is spread across[...]